Rider Spotlight: Karen #WBM2018

October is Women's Bike Month. All month long, we'll be featuring women who bike Metro Boston -- sharing riding tips, favorite routes, and more!

Meet Karen! Karen became a rider with Bluebikes when she moved back to Boston over the summer of 2018.

Tell us a little more about yourself.

I was born in Boston, then moved to Colombia -- where my family is from. I lived in South America for almost ten years and graduated from the University of Medellin this past spring. Now, I'm back in the states in hopes to pursue my degree as an Environmental Engineer.

How long have you been riding with Bluebikes?

I've been riding Bluebikes since this Summer, and haven't looked back since I started using it.

What tips and tricks would you share with other women and folks that might be interested in trying Bluebikes?

Don't be afraid! Biking around Metro Boston is safe and easy, just remember the Rules of the Road. Other tips I've found helpful: wear bright colors, reflectors or lights that you can attach to yourself/bag.

I used to think that I could never be a biker, but now its away of life! Probably the best tip: is remember to share the road and treat others how you would like to be treated.

What are some of your favorite Bluebikes stations and bike routes? Any new stations you're excited about?

I'm so excited about the new bike station near the Neponset River, and the expansion of the Bluebikes into Mattapan.

Time for a fun fact.

Did you know that whenever the royal family travels abroad they have to be prepared for a funeral, I share a very similar fashion sense.

Are you a woman that rides in Metro Boston? We want to hear more about your story! Email hello@bluebikes.com and tell us more for a chance to be featured on our blog. You can also share your stories with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagramby tagging #WBM2018.