Celebrate Pride Month With Bluebikes

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a watershed moment in the fight for a more inclusive, equitable, respectful, and aware society. Ride with us this month to celebrate Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, Stonewall veterans and activists working for queer youth, transgender people, and AIDS patients.

Residents of Massachusetts have led the way on creating inclusive places for LGBTQIA+ people. Did you know that Boston City Hall was the first municipal building in the country to fly the Pride flag? Tanya McCloskey and Marcia Kadish were the first same-sex couple legally wed in the U.S. inside Cambridge City Hall. Last fall, voters statewide overwhelmingly reaffirmed the rights of transgender people and voted to uphold a law that bars discrimination against them in public places.

Ride with us this month to acknowledge the crucial and essential need to continue this movement in Greater Boston and beyond.

Boston Pride Parade

Boston is home to one of the largest Pride Parades in the country! This year’s parade is expected to include 55,000 marchers and 750,000 attendees. The parade kicks off in Copley Square at 12:00 p.m. and ends in the City Hall Plaza with the Pride Festival. For more information on the parade and march route, visit the Boston Pride Parade website. Learn more about Boston Pride's mission from their website.

Boston Pride Parade Valet Services

To ensure that you have a guaranteed place to dock your bike during the Pride Parade, Bluebikes will be hosting two Valet Services across Boston on Saturday, June 8th:

  • Newbury St and Hereford St, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • Government Center Station, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Find Valet Services and other Bluebikes stations close by to the Parade route using the Bluebikes app or System Map.

Celebrate Pride all Month Long

Pride events are underway across Metro Boston all through June, and Bluebikes is here to help you get to any and all of them. There are so many ways to get involved, learn about Pride, and take action! Here are just a few of our recommendations:

  • Stonewall 50 Events, June 1st to June 25th: check out the series of events, including panel discussions, author talks, and more that pay tribute to and spark dialogue about the last 50 years since Stonewall.

  • A Pride Week Walk, Wednesday, June 5: Meet some of the fascinating figures of Boston’s LGBT past on a walk through Mount Auburn Cemetery, led by docent and historian Robin Hazard Ray.

  • Boston Dyke March, Friday, June 7th: the Boston Dyke March has remained “committed to offering a non-commercial, intersectional, and fundamentally grassroots alternative to Boston’s Pride celebration” since 1965.

  • Boston Youth Pride, Saturday, June 8th: a program dedicated to community members under 21.

  • 30th Annual Cambridge Pride Brunch, Saturday, June 8th: Mayor McGovern and the LGBTQ+ Commission will be holding the 30th Annual Cambridge Pride Brunch in the Sullivan Chamber.

  • Boston Pride Concert, Saturday, June 8th: hosted by Amanda Playwith, one of Boston’s rising drag superstars native to Somerville.

  • Pride Arts, May 29th to June 9th: attend one of the many events highlighting queer art culture during Pride Month.

Follow the Boston Pride Guide, for information about events and annual publication produced by the Boston Pride Committee