New Station: Hubway's 171st station deploying today at Faneuil St and Market St in Brighton

Hubway's newest station, Faneuil St and Market St, is deploying today with 15 docks in Brighton.

On Tuesday afternoon, August 30th, this station, Hubway's 171st, will open on Faneuil Street near the intersection of Market Street, adjacent to the Tedeschi Food Shop at 241 Market Street. This station was made possible in part due to the Boston College Neighborhood Improvement Fund.

View the entire Hubway system map here.

A friendly reminder about docking your bike

When docking your bike at any Hubway station, make sure you wait for the green light to appear on the dock along with the accompanying "ding" noise. That will indicate the bike was successfully returned. If you do not see the green light, it means the bike is still loose, and you should pull it out of the dock and try again. Members may opt in to receive additional reassurance with an email each time a bike is docked successfully.