Environmental Awareness Month: Go Green with Blue Cross and Bluebikes in September

Bluebikes’ sponsor Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts to donate $1 (up to $10,000) to the Boston Tree Alliance with every ride taken in September.

Fundraising for Tree Alliance

BCBSMA’s donations will go directly towards the Boston Tree Alliance, a City of Boston
program working with Mass Audubon to bolster the City’s tree canopy (the parts of the city that are shaded by trees) and its tree planting and care in environmental justice neighborhoods that have been identified in the City’s Heat Plan and Urban Forest Plan. Growing the urban forest will help reduce heat island impacts and public health stressors, increase Boston residents’ access to the physical and emotional benefits trees provide, improve quality of life, and promote biodiversity.

Biking for Sustainability

BCBSMA remains committed to improving environmental sustainability and aims to promote Bluebikes as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. This positive effort aligns with their overall mission to build sustainable solutions for better health. Environmental stewardship is a key priority for Blue Cross, which has set a goal to become carbon neutral and zero waste by 2030, and their donation to Mass Audubon aligns with the company’s commitments to a more equitable, sustainable Commonwealth.

According to a 2021 study on commuting data from Bloomberg, choosing a bike over a car just once a day reduces an average person’s carbon emissions from transport by 67%. Additionally, based on research from The Adventure Cycling Association, just moderate increases in bicycle use each year could save an estimated 6 to 14 million tons of CO2.

To learn more about the initiative, click here to read Blue Cross’ official announcement.