UPDATED: Comm Ave shutdown extended? We're here to help!

UPDATE: Thursday 8/17 is your last chance to get a $1 single ride through Hubway's New Mobile App! While most of Commonwealth Avenue has been closed to motor vehicle traffic between Kenmore Square and Packard's Corner from July 26 to August 16, Hubway is your solution to get you where you need to go (and beat the crowds while doing it).

UPDATE: The construction shutdown for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project has been extended through at least Wednesday, August 16th, and Hubway is extending its special app offers to accommodate riders during construction. $1 single rides and 20% discounts on annual membership are available only via Hubway's new mobile app, and only through Thursday, August 17th.

The construction, which aims to rebuild the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge in just under a month, will alter bus, subway and train routes and will eliminate most traffic on a 1.5-mile stretch of the avenue between Kenmore Square and Packard's Corner. But have no fear: this stretch will remain open to people on bicycles, including Hubway, and pedestrians.

Plus, we'll be providing additional temporary Hubway stations on Commonwealth Avenue during the construction period at:

  • Babcock Street
  • Silber Way

Hubway Ambassadors will be assisting users at these temporary locations Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM and from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, providing additional bikes on a first-come, first-serve basis.

*All existing Hubway stations along Commonwealth Avenue and the rest of the Hubway service area will continue to be operational.

The New Hubway App

The first-ever Hubway app, available for iPhone and Android, helps riders find stations & bikes, check ride stats, and purchase passes. And during the Comm Ave shutdown only, you'll be able to get a special single-ride pass for only $1, and even save $20 on a full annual membership, to help alleviate challenges associated with the construction.

“With major work planned for Commonwealth Avenue, our hope is that Hubway’s new mobile app can provide a convenience for Bostonians who need to find new ways around town,” said Hubway General Manager Katie O’Connor “If you’ve never tried Hubway before, this summer is the perfect opportunity with reduced-cost fares for this simple, enjoyable way to get around town.”

The system’s first mobile app allows new members to purchase a day-pass or an annual membership, and allows current Hubway members to log in to access more of their ride statistics, including tracking calories burned and miles traveled. It also lets riders check for available bikes and docks in real time.

For more info on the shutdown and construction plans, visit www.mass.gov/massdot/commavebridge.

To download the Hubway app for access to the special $1.00 single ride and many other benefits, please visit thehubway.com/app .