12 Days of Data

2018 was one for the books. The system went blue, expanded into new neighborhoods, and shattered daily ride records. Starting January 1st, 2019, we'll be looking back on 2018 and revealing system records and stats from our best year to date.

1. Most Popular Station of 2018

In 2018, the MIT at Mass Ave Amherst St station was the most popular station -- with over 50,000 rentals started at this station. Here are the runner-up stations:

  • South Station - Boston
  • Coolidge Corner - Brookline
  • Davis Square - Somerville

2. Most Popular Expansion Station

In 2018, Bluebikes underwent the biggest system expansion to date, adding over 70 stations across Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville. The most popular new station in 2018 is Jersey St at Boylston St, in Boston.

3. Number of Trips Taken in 2018

In 2018 alone, over 1.73 million trips were taken with the Bluebikes system. That is 26% more than the 1.31 million+ trips taken during the previous year. We're looking forward to breaking new records and reaching now goals in 2019.

4. Trips Taken by Members in 2018

Bluebikes offers various types of memberships and passes to meet all of our riders needs. Did you know? Bluebikes members took 81% of the total number of trips taken in 2018. What are you waiting for, become a member today: bluebikes.com/join

5. Bike Angel Points Earned in 2018

Bike Angels earn points by moving bikes to and from stations where they're most needed. These strategic moves earn riders points that can be put towards prizes. In 2018, our Angels earned over 130,000 points -- equivalent to 1636 one-month membership extensions. Become a Bike Angel today, learn more.

6. Most Popular Weekend Day of 2018

On Saturday, September 15th of 2018, we saw unusually mild temperatures for a New England Fall day. This sunny day set the stage for breaking the record for the highest number of trips taken on a weekend day -- with 8,453 Bluebikes rides logged (compared to 7,700 daily rides taken during peak riding season).

7. Number of Trips on the Warmest and Coldest Days of 2018

You know what they say in New England: "if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes." Seasonality does not stop our riders from riding with Bluebikes all year long. Here is the breakdown for rentals taken on the hottest and coldest days of 2018, compared to the average of 7,700 daily trips during peak riding season:

8. Loneliest Bike: #46048

On average, each bike in the Bluebikes fleet is ridden up to 6 times a day. Not all of our bikes receive that much love. In 2018 -- and new to the system -- bike #46048 received only 30 rentals in total, and only left Cambridge three times to go to Boston.

9. Most Miles Ridden in a Single Trip

You'd be surprised how much ground you can cover with Bluebikes in a short amount of time. In 2018, one of our riders rode 6.8 miles from the Clarendon Hill at Broadway Station in Somerville, to ID Building East Station in the Seaport in 43.7 minutes. This rider covered the most miles in a single trip for 2018 - squeaking in just 1.3 minutes before the ride time limit.

10. Number of Trips Taken on Opening Day

2018 was a big year for the Red Sox. On Opening Day, Bluebikes riders took 3,458 rides. After more than 100 hundred years, the Red Sox clinched their 4th World Series of the 2000s -- and on the same day, Bluebikes riders took a total of 4,098 rides.

11. New Stations Added

In 2018 -- the municipalities of Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville Bluebikes underwent their most extensive Bluebikes expansion to date, adding more stations and bikes to new neighborhoods. In total, 71 stations were added across Metro Boston -- equivalent to 1,050+ additional docking points.

12. Trips During Peak Commuting Hours

Bluebikes is often one of the most convenient modes of transportation during commuting hours. Don't believe us? In 2018, 51% of trips that were taken occurred during peak commuting hours. Bluebikes is available 24/7, and 7% of trips taken last year were taken during "off hours" between 10 pm and 5 am.

2018 Award Winners